In the latest episode of Clever, Chilean-born artist / designer / activist Sebastian Errazuriz captivates Amy and Jaime with tales of his rigorous arts training, examples of his immaculate hustle and a specific method he employs whenever he needs to force an idea up to the surface. He’s as disciplined and driven as an Olympic athlete, and hell-bent on having us all re-think reality. Listen:
A Pause in the City That Never Sleeps
Audemars Piguet at Design Miami 2016
Psst: Take a tour of Sebastian’s epic workspace in our Where I Work feature.
Stay tuned for a new episode of Clever in two weeks! Don’t miss an episode: Subscribe to Clever on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, SoundCloud, or use our feed to subscribe via your favorite podcast app.
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from Design MilkArt – Design Milk
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